A very dedicated group of people helps with planning, organizing and managing the conference. If you’re interested in volunteering with FOBA, you can help from wherever you live.
We are very proud that we’ve been able to put on the Focus on Book Arts Conference every two years with an all-volunteer staff.
Every bit of your help makes a difference.
With the exception of at-conference volunteer needs, you do not need to be in the Portland, Oregon area to help. Many of our board and committee members are scattered around the United States.
Conference Volunteering
Hosting FOBA every two years is a complex endeavor for our all-volunteer organization and a labor of love for our board, conference committee, and other volunteers who work throughout the year to ensure its success. The more hands involved, the lighter the work for all and there are many ways to support FOBA before, during, and after the conference.
Conference volunteers contribute in a variety of essential ways. Whether helping with setup and take down, staffing the information desk and check-in, directing participants to events, being a classroom helper, selling raffle tickets, or assisting with evening programs, we welcome you to share your time and talents to ensure a successful FOBA for all.
Details about volunteer opportunities at FOBA 2026 will be available soon. In the meantime, if you are interested in volunteering in any capacity, we would love to hear from you. Please contact Volunteer Director Jeri Oswalt at volunteers@focusonbookarts.org to express your interest.
Another way to contribute is with a tax-deductible donation or conference sponsorship. Both support our educational mission and help keep costs affordable for FOBA participants, while enabling us to compensate instructors fairly. Donations also help us build up seed money necessary for future conferences and programs. For sponsorship information, please contact Development Director Cindy Luxhoj at development@focusonbookarts.org.
Planning and Prepping for the Conference
Focus on Book Arts Conference planning and organizing continues during our off-conference years. Each FOBA board member has specific responsibilities related to the biennial conference. As we begin the planning for the 2026 conference, we have openings for some positions on the board. We’re seeking board members who will be responsible for specific aspects of the conference.
Many of these board members rely on teams to help with the organizing of the conference. For instance, the Events Planner has volunteer(s) for each of the different events (i.e., trade show, faculty exhibit, speakers, etc.) and activities (i.e., raffle, challenge book, etc.). If you’re not yet ready to commit to joining the board, you may want to consider helping with a specific part of the conference and volunteering to join a team.
FOBA Open Positions
FOBA is looking for a new board member to lead some of the enjoyable portions of our next biennial conference. The Events and Activities Chair helps build community by leading a small team of volunteers responsible for the many ways we connect outside the classroom. This includes creating icebreaker activities, supporting the raffle and auction, lining up a guest speaker, and creating new and engaging evening activities. This role will have a lot of influence on how the conference “feels” outside the classroom. This person will be good at coordinating, communicating, juggling details, and leading a team. Many volunteers are excited to help take on various parts of this work. FOBA needs a leader to pull it all together. (Note: Two Co-chairs could also share this job)
Do you have ideas that will make FOBA ’26 fun and engaging?
Reach out to Jeri Oswalt at volunteers@focusonbookarts.org