Since its inception in the mid-1980s, Focus on Book Arts (FOBA) has been dedicated to supporting book arts in the artist community. Starting with book shows, it has evolved and grown, and is now a five-day biennial conference in Oregon.
In 2015, Focus on Book Arts became a 501(c)3 non-profit organization exclusively for charitable and educational purposes. Our mission is to develop and present a biennial conference with workshops, lectures, exhibits and other activities related to the book arts.
Putting on a successful conference every two years is a complex endeavor, and a labor of love for many volunteers. A primary objective is financial sustainability. We aim to keep costs affordable for participants, while compensating instructors fairly. Your tax-deductible donation will support FOBA’s educational mission for the next conference while helping us build up seed money necessary for the future.
To donate online, please enter the donation amount and click the Make a Donation button below
To donate by mail, please send a check payable to FOCUS ON BOOK ARTS at the address below:
Focus on Book Arts
179 Broad Street S #41
Monmouth, OR 97361
In addition to supporting Focus on Book Arts financially there are many other ways to support FOBA.
We are an all-volunteer organization with a board and conference committee that work throughout the year to prepare for the conference. If you are interested in helping the conference committee with FOBA planning and preparation we would love to hear from you. See our volunteer opportunities.
We are always in need of volunteers during the conference itself. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Volunteer Director Jeri Oswalt at volunteers@focusonbookarts.org.
If you, your business or organization would like to be a sponsor of the conference, or provide other significant support, we would be delighted to talk with you about opportunities. Please contact Development Director Cindy Luxhoj at development@focusonbookarts.org for more information about being a sponsor of FOBA.
During the conference, we hold a fundraising raffle to support the Colleen Cavin Fellowship program. If you have an item(s) that you would like to donate to this raffle, please contact our events and activities coordinator at activities@focusonbookarts.org.