Title | Information |
Instructor | Casey Newman |
Skill Level | Beginner |
Length of Workshop | 2 days |
Date (s) | Saturday–Sunday, June 29–30, 2024 |
Cost | $175 per day x 2 days + $45 Material Fee |
Total Price of Workshop | $395 |
Workshop Description:
Botanical printing is an art form that uses the natural pigments in leaves to make beautiful, one-of-akind designs on fabric or paper. In this two day workshop you will explore different types of paper and mordants and learn to add color with natural dyes. You will also get to dip your toes into printing on fabric to create a soft cover for the book you will make on day two. On day two you will learn to embellish your prints with colored pencil, watercolor and ink. You will also create a fabric-bound book incorporating simple hand stitching on the fabric cover and a mix of your botanical prints and blank paper for the interior pages.
Materials/equipment to be provided by students:
- Pencil
- Pigma micron pens, or similar, in a few sizes
- Bone folder
- X-Acto knife
- Ruler
- Small cutting mat
- Small awl
- Bookbinding needle
See Materials Glossary for definitions and images
Optional materials/equipment to be provided by students:
- Watercolors
- Colored pencils (some will be available to borrow)
- Assorted embroidery floss (natural color will be provided)
- 6-8 pieces of paper for the interior of your book (if you wish to incorporate blank pages along with printed papers)
Materials/equipment to be provided by instructor:
- A variety of paper and silk and/or wool fabric prepared for printing
- Leaves
- Natural dyes
- Mordants and modifiers to shift colors of natural dyes
- Steamers and all equipment needed to press and heat papers
- Spray bottles
- Sewing thread and needles
Instructor Biography:
Casey Newman is a naturalist and artist who incorporates nature into her work, creating a unique way to connect with the beauty of nature. She prints leaves onto fabric and paper using only the natural pigments found within each leaf. Prints show the unique details of the plant and tell a story of season and place. Casey also grows and gathers natural materials to make dyes for fabric. Her work is centered around northwest native plants and she is inspired by living and working at Cedar Dell Forest Farm on the outskirts of Portland, OR.
Website: www.cedardelldesigns.com