Kathleen O’Connell for Tress.Taller de Grabado – Mi Ciudad, Mi Hogar/ My City, My Home

FOBA 2021 Juried Exhibition

Completed 2014-2015
Editions: 50
Dimensions closed: 7” x 10.25” x .75”
Materials: traditional printmaking techniques, inkjet print, double accordion bound book structure, Rives BFK paper
Artist resides in Murfreesboro, Tennessee

Mi Ciudad, Mi Hogar/ My City, My Home is an enormous collaboration between people and countries, a space to join our expressions and visions of one’s city and home together, to create something new.

Included in the artist’s book are 10 original prints by Peruvian and foreign artists, realized using a variety of printmaking techniques and printed on Rives BFK paper. Also included is an introduction by Antonio Conte Romano with Spanish and English translations. Text design was by Alex de Feudis; translation by Frances Kvietok and Susana Venegas; edition binding with assistance from Rocio Snyder and Camila Escobar. Book design, bookbinding, and project design were by Kathleen O’Connell.

Main Collaborators: Kathleen O’Connell and Cristina Dueñas/TRESS.Taller de Grabado; artists included in the book are Orlando Condeso, Maritza Danós, Cristina Dueñas, Rosa Girón, Rie Hasegawa, Kathleen O’Connell, Ellen Peckham, Cecilia Rossey, Nicholas Satinover, Susana Venegas

Kathleen O’Connell  (Murfreesboro, Tennessee)

Kathleen O’Connell is an educator, printmaker, book artist, type and lettering enthusiast, pre-pandemic traveler, intra-pandemic mother, amateur garden grower, perpetual organizer, and former ferry boat deckhand, all of which inform her artworks and artistic practice. She is a tenured Associate Professor (Print Media) at Middle Tennessee State University. 

Her work has been exhibited nationally and internationally. Since 2009, she has collaborated with artists/studios in Peru including the completion of multiple international collaborative artist’s books.
