Artist Statement
Casey Newman is a naturalist and artist who incorporates natural materials into her work, creating a unique way to connect with the beauty of nature. She prints leaves onto paper and fabric using only the natural pigments found within each leaf. Prints show the unique details of the plant and tell a story of season and place. Casey also dyes fabric using natural materials – many that she grows and gathers herself. Her work is centered around northwest native plants and she is inspired by living and working at Cedar Dell Forest Farm on the outskirts of Portland, OR.
Materials & Technique
This beautiful image of real leaves was created by a process called botanical printing. The leaves were pressed on cotton paper and heated, creating this one-of-a-kind image that was left behind when the leaves were removed. The prints and colors are the natural pigments found in each leaf.
The prints in this piece are from a variety of leaves including Alaskan fern, epimedium, huechera, hypericum, as well as privet leaves and berries.
About Casey Newman
Casey Newman is an ecologist and natural textile dyer who incorporates stories of season and place into her artistic work. She has a master’s degree in forest ecology and has spent much of her career working in environmental education as well as teaching nature-based art at her studio and throughout the west coast. This bridge between nature and art is something Casey brings to her workshops as well as her personal work. Casey draws inspiration from the forest surrounding Cedar Dell Forest Farm, her educational property at the edge of Gresham, Oregon. There she teaches natural dye workshops, curates educational programs for children, and raises fiber animals.erous exhibitions and publications.